
Habits I’ve Noticed Common To Successful People

I’m going to start this post by asking you a question and just take you time to answer the question. The question can be found below.

What Does Success Means To You?

Success means a lot things to a lot of people, in order to make it simple, I will just say success means prospering in different areas(spiritual, physical, finance, education, business, relationship, socially, career) of your life.

That’s my simple definition of success and I hope you get the concept.

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How To Constantly Motivate Yourself Even When You Feel Down


It’s normal for us as humans to feel down sometimes but it’s is not normal to remain in that feeling.

You shouldn’t allow circumstances, situations or challenges determine your mood instead you should be responsible for choosing the mood that you want.

You are responsible for your life and your actions so don’t let anyone or anything control your mood

In this post, I will be showing you how to constantly motivate yourself even when you feel down.

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How To Stop Wasting Your Time

I think one of the easiest things for everyone to do is to waste their time, so in this post we will be discussing how to stop wasting time.

Whenever you procrastinate or you sleep too much or you are just daydreaming then you are wasting your time already. If you don’t know that before then you should get to know it now.

Prioritize your activities

It is really important that you prioritize your activities if you really want to stop wasting time.

You should know the activities that are important, those that are urgent and those that are not important.

If you cannot prioritize your time, you will just be doing whatever comes your way and other people will also include you in their own plan.

Even if you don’t want to prioritize your activities, you should do so to avoid other from including you in their own plan because they feel you do not have your own plan.

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When It’s Time To Start All Over Again

Hey, are you lost and don not know what to do again? Well this might be the best time to start all over again to achieve the desired result you want.

Sometimes you just feel rigid and you don’t want to embrace change. If you do something in a particular way and you don’t get results, if you continue doing the same thing, you will likely not get the desired results you need. So the best option is that you change strategy which might means starting all over again.

I also feel rigid too sometimes and I don’t feel like embracing change but I’ve learnt over time that I need to be a result oriented person and that means I need to embrace change even if it means starting all over again.

First, we will be some reasons why we might need to start all over again.

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The Lessons I Learnt From COVID-19 Pandemic

Thank God the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually reducing around the world and things are beginning to normalize a bit, people can now travel from one county to another even though there seems to be some restrictions.

This period has not only been a time of lockdown for me but it has also been a period of learning for me. I was able to learn some things which I might not have been able to learn if not for the lockdown.

I guess you must have learnt one or more things during this period, I don’t want to believe it was all about watch TV, eating and sleeping. Well, if that was it, it is never too late to start learning something new.

I will be sharing with you few things I learnt during this pandemic period.

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How To Overcome The Habit Of Procrastination

overcome procrastination

You have the ability to overcome any obstacle that may be hindering you from succeeding and one of those obstacles is procrastination.

I will be showing top strategies on how to overcome procrastination.

These are strategies I’ve been able to use to overcome procrastination even though it’s still something I struggle with once in a while.

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How to Add Value To Others Around You (Start Now!)

Today, I will be showing you how to add value to others around you. I once heard a story of a man who went for an interview and he was asked by the interviewer if he was going to be a liability or an asset to the company, but the man didn’t know the meaning of asset and liability, so he said he was going to be a liability to the company which means he will not add value to the organization if employed.

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How to Be Successful In Life At A Young Age (Must Read!)

Success means different things to different people, but successful people have some things in common that they all do. I will be showing you some tips on how you can be successful in life at a young age using these common tips that successful people use.

You should also know that success is not a day of work, it is a result of several efforts you’ve been putting into work.

Well, I have good news for you and the good news is that you can succeed if you want to succeed. So, it’s left to you to make the decision.

Now, let me share some tips that successful people use

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